Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Reasonable Doubt" 60 Min Documentary

This will take some time to watch...but if you're a fan of this classic album, this is worth it. Take a seat Gen A.D.D....and enjoy.
***Okay, so I watched this...and the crrrazy thing is, the footage of Jay and Foxy performing "Ain't No N***a" was pulled from Video Music Box. How do I know this?? Your girl was actually at that show. While in High School my girls and I snuck off and went to check Jay at the Ark in Brooklyn. I remember this night really well, and remember waving at the Video Music Box cameraman (at an attempt to get my millisecond of cameratime) and then wacthing the footage the next week. Crazy! Memories!!...and I feel really old for that one...

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