Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a FIT lioness

I figure if I put it on my blog then i have no choice but to stand by my decision. Ladies (and gents), your friend is on a mission to lose WEIGHT! I called my old trainer and said "Listen Woman, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES, i need you to whoop my butt back into shape" Sooooo let the games begin. I kicked it off on Sunday w/ a 2 1/2 hour power walk around manhattan. I was supposed to hit the gym monday but it didnt work out exactly as i planned (ya know when you say "oh i'll just go during my lunch break" and then it turns into "oh ill just go after work" and then that turns into "ok, tomorrow"). I finally made it back to the gym yesterday morning but then this morning i couldn't get out of bed. I'm trying to eat healthy, which is so hard when my hours are all over the place and when I'm around people eating CRAP all day... But its day 3 and i've only had one "bad thing" in 3 days (3 wings last night w/ my salad). So yeah folks... IT's SOOOO HARD but i'm doing this!!!! Stay tuned.

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